High performance package
1:1 Coaching Package Plus...
- Complimentary access to our High Performance Centre Lab Testing in Dromana, VIC.
This package allows athletes to receive 3x Comprehensive Performance Tests across a year (valued at $990AUD), to ensure accurate training zones and monitor continued progression over the year.
- 1 x Comprehensive Bike Fit (valued at $490AUD). A functional movement screening, and position optimization using our advanced bike fitting pedal analysis jig,. This is a complete bike fit for your bike of choice.
- A TrainingPeaks Premium Account

$ Case by Case
Sport Science services
Pinnacle Performance also offers a range of private sport science services on top of regular cycling coaching.
These services include -
Athlete Profiling/Talent Identification
VO2 Max Testing
Lactate Testing
Performance Analysis
Strength and Conditioning Services
Biomechanical Assessments
Educational Services To Schools
Consulting Opportunities
Please contact us for more information and to discuss the utilization of these services.